CamBam Reviews

Please share your comments about CamBam here.

For bug reports, feature suggestions and general support, please use the CamBam forum or Contact us directly.

A HUGE thank you to all our users for your wonderful encouragement, feedback and support.
CamBam would not be here without it and continues to improve because of it!


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#  LloydSp 27/02/2013 23:57:36
I'm a commercial user, averaging about four hours of CamBam use per day. CamBam is not only solid and capable, it grows better almost by the day, with upgrades and improvements being offered frequently. Users' scripts and plugins further amplify its capabilities.

In addition, the support forum is a rapid-response resource, with all sorts of experienced users representing almost every aspect of machining.

I cannot recommend this software highly enough. It is a pivot-point of my business.

Automation Machine Design, LLC
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#  Dejan Toplak 28/02/2013 10:11:22
CamBam is best CAM program you can get for the price.
Buy it, and you won't regret it.
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#  Tate Machine Works
12/10/2013 04:05:39
As a machinist and CNC programmer for 23 years. I searched long and hard for a Cad/Cam software for my home shop. I had these criteria: affordable, powerful, easy to learn, modern graphics and work flow, & capable of both 2 1/2D and 3D machining. After being let down by trials of a dozen or so under performing softwares. CamBam fulfilled all my needs. It is suported by a talented forum. Many of my sugestions I made on the forum were implemented in the next release. Worth every penny and more. That must be why it's called CamBam plus. Believe me it is much more than you pay for.
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#  quoy25 02/04/2014 17:13:14
excellent logiciel de Fraisage Assisté par Ordinateur; clair simple et relativement intuitif pour un prix tres compétitif avec des menus en plusieurs langues (francais en ce qui me concerne) . cerise sur le gateau , un site "support" egalement simple et clair avec des exemples et surtout un tutoriel tres bien fait avec une une version francaise en PDF => le must !...
en ce qui me concerne , je l'utilise de facon privee ( donc sans doute pas a fond ) mais je recommande sans probleme aux acheteurs français!

very goog software , clear , simple to use with helpfull documentation and exemples /... very good job !
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#  anon 11/08/2022 20:18:56
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#  Frank 21/05/2015 22:20:18
One of the best Programs that I've ever used, i am very happy about it. Great Job !


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#  Horace
12/08/2015 21:39:52
Great program
I've been using it for about a year now and it's second to none for easy CAMing. It took me a little bit to get good at it (probably since I've never used a CAM program before) but after a few parts I could whip up g-code in minutes. I've used it to make g-code for everything from routed carbon fiber sheets to quite complicated milled aluminum parts on a 4th-axis indexing trunnion (the indexing code was inserted manually). I don't think there is a better deal on CAM software than CAM BAM, I definitely recommend it.

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#  Andre Bergh 18/08/2015 10:12:46
Hi All

Have used Cambam for bout two years now. Bought a licence bout year ago. Great program and i have used it on quite a few projects. Any problems or questions can be quickly resolved in the forum.

Great program
Happy user - South Africa
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#  Redpaw_Designs
01/04/2015 06:00:22
I tried many Cad/Cam products from a lot of companies, none had the potential to get milling within hours. I found it in Cambam.

Study the videos, when you can recite them from memory you will then never have to resort to other software. Cambam is very user friendly, great forums and the price can't be beat for the features.
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#  Jason
01/08/2013 05:07:03
Hands down the best CAM software out there for the price.
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#  anon
15/09/2013 19:22:08
I simply enjoy to try/work with CamBam !
The learning time it's very short, so ... I'm very happy buyer.
Great job !
Thank You CamBam Team !
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#  ralf 22/05/2013 21:16:54
@ Casey
yes that works well. I work with cambam in windows XP and windows 7 under parallels since parallels version 5. The 10.8 and parallels 8 speed the work up.

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09/12/2011 00:53:00
Solid, stable, intuitive software
This is a very good cam software. I have tried many trial purchasable cam along with the GPL and freeware. This program produces gcode fast and are high quality toolpath layers. Understands even input values coarsely with specific error instruction to correct inputs so as to generate very good toolpaths as you would want them. File import is accurate and good. Machining operations are simple on menu and can do much. Generated correct test 3d gcodes to mach 3 and it runs perfect. At this price it is a far surperior bargain. I am thinking of purchasing this unit to use for now until I dev. a cam software myself. May not even need to with this cam bam software.
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#  Roger Kremers
06/04/2011 14:44:00
Great Product
I've been looking for an easy to use program for a long time. I've tried a lot of different programs over the last two years. CamBam has been the best software, tied into TurboCab and ending with Mach3. I'm recommending this to other users. For the price, this is the best buy for what I do with a BridgePort, custom 3x3 router and 5x9 log router.
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#  iFocus Films LLC
15/08/2010 04:00:00
CB Plus
I've been using CB since 2006 and love the program. If you're a beginner this is the easy most powerful program you'll find for the money. The program and support in my opinion is worth every penny. Excellent program and price.
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#  TM
09/08/2010 18:06:00
Excellent product
Over a 4 month period, I tried every trial version of every CAM software I could find and in the end I purchased Cambam. I sincerely believe that Cambam is the best value, the interface is more intuitive than all of the others I tried. The work flow made sense. As a home machinist, Cambam is plenty powerful and seems to have been designed by a machinist for a machinist.Ive been known to be able to confuse any software but any bugs have been minor, the forum has been very helpful. Best value for the price.
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#  Bubba 25/02/2013 21:39:31
If you find a better valued cam program elsewhere buy it! I assure you won't find a better cam program than CamBam for what it will set you back..
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#  derek
05/01/2014 15:52:36
cambam price is very affordable i have no knowledge of cad teaching.i will be purchasing a lobo cnc machine and they recommend your software.i would like to know if you have anyone that can help me with me project for a fee.
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#  Keenan
09/09/2015 04:51:12
This software is great. I have used very expensive commercial packages and I prefer CAMBAM. I am proud to own this software. Keep up the good work!
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#  pale14 16/12/2014 08:54:06
Logiciel super efficace, simple à prendre en main, peu onéreux, rapide. Seul inconvénient pas de 4ème axe (au moins) ce qui est très pratique pour certaine opération. Ça viendra peut être sous peu ?????
Je suis un utilisateur assidu et bravo encore pour ce produit.
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#  Bill L
01/11/2015 03:43:02
I have the other programs, and what I end up doing is returning to CamBam. For 3 months i used the trial version and just left it open. I decided that without it in my toolbox I would be at a loss.
I purchased it, and its very worth the price.
Its easy to learn and just use.
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