Welcome to the CamBam API
CamBam offers the ability to extend the functionality of the program using user defined plugins and scripts.
Plugins are .NET class libraries (.dll files) that reference the CamBam API and expose certain methods.
Plugins can be used to add extra menu operations, file handlers, region fillers and custom machine operations.
Plugins can be written in a variety of .NET support languages such as C#, C++ and Visual Basic.
CamBam supports scripting using VBScript and JScript (a form of javascript). Scripts can be editted and run
from within CamBam and provide a quick method for producing complicated drawing objects, not easily possible
using only CAD drawing methods.
Both scripts and plugins make use of the CamBam API. The API can be used to access many of the features of
the program. Some uses include:
- Creating complex drawing objects, such as the gear plugin.
- Custom machinine operations, such as the lathe operation.
- Transform or manipulate selected drawing objects.
- Animate drawings.
- Custom file handlers for extending the range of files CamBam can read.