Used to create circular holes from selected point lists or circles.
Clearance Plane
The clearance plane (offset from the work plane).
The clearance plane should be clear of the stock and any holding devices to allow free movement to any location.
Custom MOP Footer
A multi-line gcode script that will be inserted into the gcode post after the current machining operation.
Custom MOP Header
A multi-line gcode script that will be inserted into the gcode post before the current machining operation.
Custom Script
Custom GCode script used for drilling if DrillingMethod=CustomScript
Various macros can be used in this script which will be expanded by the post processor.
| - denotes a new line
$c - Clearance Plane
$d - Hole diameter
$f - plunge feedrate
$h - Z coordinate of each drill point [New! 0.9.8]
$n - tool number
$p - Dwell
$q - Peck distance
$r - Retract height [New! 0.9.8]
$s - Stock Surface
$t - tool diameter
$x - X coordinate of each drill point
$y - Y coordinate of each drill point
$z - Target depth
Cut Feedrate
The feed rate to use when cutting.
Depth Increment
[New! 0.9.8]
The depth increment controls the pitch of the spiral toolpath if Drilling Method = Spiral Mill.
This is the depth of cut for each loop of the spiral.
Drill Lead Out
[New! 0.9.8]
For spiral drilling only.
If True, then move toward or away from the center of the hole before retracting.
Drilling Method
Method used to generate the drilling instruction. Options are:
Canned Cycle - Uses G81,G82 or G83
SpiralMill_CW - Clockwise spiral toolpath
SpiralMill_CCW - Counter clockwise spiral toolpath
CustomScript - Uses the CustomScript property script
The time to pause at the bottom of the drill cycle. The unit of time measurement
depends on the machine interpreter configuration and may be seconds or milliseconds.
True: The toolpaths associated with this machining operation are displayed and included in the gcode output
False: The operation will be ignored and no gcode or tool paths will be produced for this operation.
Hole Diameter
Used for spiral mill drilling and is the diameter of the hole required.
If this is set to Auto, then the sizes of the selected shapes are used to calculate the hole diameter.
Lead Out Length
[New! 0.9.8]
For spiral drilling only. The distance to move in the lead out direction if DrillLeadOut=True.
If length is positive, move toward the hole center.
If length is negative, move away from the center.
Max Crossover Distance
Maximum distance as a fraction (0-1) of the tool diameter to cut in horizontal transitions.
If the distance to the next toolpath exceeds MaxCrossoverDistance, a retract, rapid and plunge to the next position, via the clearance plane, is inserted.
Each machine operation can be given a meaningful name or description.
This is output in the gcode as a comment and is useful for keeping track of the function of each machining operation.
Optimisation Mode
An option that controls how the toolpaths are ordered in gcode output.
New (0.9.8) - A new, improved optimiser currently in testing.
Legacy (0.9.7) - Toolpaths are ordered using same logic as version 0.9.7.
None - Toolpaths are not optimised and are written in the order they were generated.
Peck Distance
The incremental depth to drill before a retract. If 0, then doesn't peck drill.
Plunge Feedrate
The feed rate to use when plunging.
Primitive IDs
List of drawing objects from which this machine operation is defined.
Retract Height
[New! 0.9.8]
For peck canned cycles, retract to this value after each peck.
Roughing / Finishing
This property is currently used only by the Lathe and 3D Profile machining operations.
Roughing Clearance
This is the amount of stock to leave after the final cut.
Remaining stock is typically removed later in a finishing pass.
Negative values can be used to oversize cuts.
Spindle Direction
The direction of rotation of the spindle.
CW | CCW | Off
Spindle Range
The pulley number or dial setting of the spindle for the target speed.
Spindle Speed
The speed in RPM of the spindle.
Spiral Flat Base
For spiral drilling only. If True, a full circle is added to the spiral base, to ensure a flat hole bottom.
False will avoid the full circle cut, which may be useful for thread milling.
Start Point
Used to select a point, near to where the first toolpath should begin machining.
If a start point is defined, a small circle will be displayed at this point when the machining operation
is selected. The start point circle can be moved by clicking and dragging.
Stock Surface
This is the Z offset of the stock surface at which to start machining.
[New! 0.9.8]
Select a CAM Style for this machining operation.
All default parameters will be inherited from this style.
[New! 0.9.8]
A general purpose, multiline text field that can be used to store notes or parameters from plugins.
Target Depth
The Z coordinate of the final machining depth.
Tool Diameter
This is the diameter of the current tool in drawing units.
If the tool diameter is 0, the diameter from the tool information stored in the tool library
for the given tool number will be used.
Tool Number
The ToolNumber is used to identify the current tool.
If ToolNumber changes between successive machine ops a toolchange instruction is created in gcode.
ToolNumber=0 is a special case which will not issue a toolchange.
The tool number is also used to look up tool information in the current tool library. The tool library is specified
in the containing Part, or if this is not present in the Machining folder level. If no tool library is defined the
Default-(units) tool library is assumed.
Tool Profile
The shape of the cutter
If the tool profile is Unspecified, the profile from the tool information stored in the tool library
for the given tool number will be used.
EndMill | BullNose | BallNose | Vcutter | Drill | Lathe
Used to transform the toolpath.
Warning! This property is experimental and may give unpredictable results.
Velocity Mode
Instructs the gcode interpreter whether or to use look ahead smoothing.
Constant Velocity - (G64) Smoother but less accurate.
Exact Stop - (G61) All control points are hit but movement may be slower and jerky.
Default - Uses the global VelocityMode value under machining options.
Work Plane
Used to define the gcode workplane. Arc moves are defined within this plane.
Options are XY | XZ | YZ